One of my favourite things about visiting a new city, is finding those awesome little local bars and restaurants that are totally unique to wherever you are. We found a few little gems in Berlin, and Kaschk Berin was one of them.

Pad and I are self-confessed shuffleboard addicts, and Pad loves his beer and coffee – so it’s no reason we fell in love with this little hipster bar in North Berlin that was basically a hybrid of all three things. On the ground floor you have a lovely little bar and coffee shop (with tables, chair, wooden benches, bookshelves…) and in the daytime the place is kinda of a cute little coffee shop.

And the coffee was goooood. 







In the evening the place turns into a more lively bar (rather than a coffee shop). The ground floor gets a bit more crowded and loud and on the lower floor there’s more seating and two MASSIVE shuffleboard tables.

And, if you’re not aware of what shuffleboard is, it is THE BEST BAR GAME EVER. 

It’s kind of like bowls mixed with bowling, mixed with awesome. They charged 9 Euros for every half an hour you’re playing, which is really good actually, because it means you can play as little or as long as you want. On the board next to ours there was a stag group playing – so it was all very hilarious.

At one point they pushed the groom down the board (which isn’t traditionally how you play the game) but it was very funny. 









If you’re in the city – you NEED to head to Kaschk Berin and check it out, I wish they’d open one in London so I could make it a regular thing.