Are you looking for tips on how to get from Christchurch to Queenstown?
Take to the skies
Christchurch to Queenstown is a popular route, and Air New Zealand flies this route approximately 4 times a day, Mon-Sun. In the summer months, they offer 5 flights some days of the week, though this varies. The flight is approximately 1 hour long, so it’s a pretty short hop over which is convenient if you’re short on time. Flight prices start from $69.
Recommended for: People in a rush, people who love incredible views (the flight over has some immense window views!).
Not recommended for: People who are scared of flying (the flight into Queenstown can be a bit daunting as it’s through a mountain range).
Take the bus
Make the journey part of a tour
If you want to use the journey to it’s full potential, then fitting in a tour, or making the journey part of a tour is a really great idea. There’s so much to see along the way, and making the journey stretch to a tour (over a day, 2 days or even a week) then do it! New Zealand is full of so many hidden gems, and fitting in as many sights as possible, is such a great way to see the country.
Recommended for: People on a budget, who don’t mind a longer route.
Not recommended for: People who are impatient.
Here are some tours worth looking at…
Make it a road trip
If you’ve got the time, the most satisfying way to do this route is by car, so you’re in control of which route to take and where to stop. There’s several routes available with some stunning scenery to take in along the way. I’ve only done this route from Queenstown to Christchurch (so the opposite way) but it should be pretty easy to reverse the routes below… (I hope anyway!)
The coastal route:
The inland route:
Hiring a car is easy. The likes of Avis and Budget operate out of both the city and the airport and have offices at Queenstown (in the town and the airport), making a one-way hire simple.So it all boils down to how long you want to take, how much you want to take in and whether you want to sit back and enjoy the view, or take the wheel yourself.
Really beautiful pictures. I hope you enjoyed your travels.
Thanks Brittany! x
those pictures are truly stunning, oceana is such a beatiful place , can’t wait to go there
Thanks Jessica! It’s one of my absolute favourite places! x
Thank you very much for sharing. I’m planning to go travelling with my parents, so I need to take into consideration of their comfort as well. Just wondering, there’s really no travelling by train option from Christchurch to Queenstown, is it?