Just a short blog today – I just wanted to share a discovery I made in Macy’s!
Maybe this is common knowledge (maybe it’s not) but… Did you know that there is a hidden, secret, McDonald’s in Macy’s department store, NYC?
I stumbled across it when I was exploring the new Toys R Us in Macy’s, as it’s located right nearby, on the same floor).
It’s literally a full-sized restaurant with loads of seating, views over the nearby city, and delicious McDonald’s food.
And after an hour or two of shopping? Trust me, I needed that discovery!

Why was this hidden Mcdonalds such an exciting discovery for me?
Well, I don’t know about you, but when I’m shopping in Macy’s (especially the one in NYC), it can be nice to take a rest. Have a break. Rest your feet.
And you kind of want to do all that, without leaving the store. The blocks around Macy’s can be a bit chaotic and busy – and I’d rather just stay inside and grab refreshments if it’s a possibility.
The idea of being able to grab a sneaky Diet Coke and a burger without leaving the store? And rest my feet at the same time? And then head back to shopping? I LOVE IT.
Everything you need to know about the hidden McDonalds in Macy’s….
Here’s some useful information for you, before visiting!
- Where to find the secret McDonald’s: Macy’s 7th floor, 151 West 34th Street (Macy’s 7th Floor, New York, NY 10001, United States
- What to look for: It’s near the kids clothing, and Toys R Us on the 7th floor
- Is there seating? YES! Lots of it! It’s basically a full-sized McDonalds, ticket away in a department store.
- Is it more expensive? Nope, I think the majority of items were priced normally.
- Extra info: No toilets (use the store toilets instead). They have traditional ordering, and also digital / machine ordering available.
- Macy’s website: https://l.macys.com/new-york-ny
- McDonald’s website: https://www.mcdonalds.com/us/en-us/location/ny/new-york/151-west-34th-street/25055.html
A few people who might find this hidden Macy’s McDonald’s useful…
There are a few people who might find this discovery useful, on their next trip to NYC:
- People who are doing a big shopping trip, and want to have some rest and rehydration (without actually leaving the store).
- People whose partners are currently shopping, but they’d rather sit and eat a burger than walk around Macy’s.
- People with children, who might suddenly get hungry mid-shop, and need somewhere familiar to eat.
- People who find themselves super hungry, mid-shop, and want something affordable and nearby.
- People who like McDonald’s.
Opening hours!
Go enjoy your McDonalds, but first, make sure they’re open!
- Mon 10:00 AM to 09:00 PM
- Tue 10:00 AM to 09:00 PM
- Wed 08:00 AM to 08:00 PM
- Thu 08:00 AM to 08:00 PM
- Fri 08:00 AM to 08:00 PM
- Sat 08:00 AM to 08:00 PM
- Sun 10:00 AM to 09:00 PM