Looking for the most walkable cities in the USA? Here are my top 15 choices, as someone who LOVES to walk and loves to travel!
London Vs NYC – Which City is ACTUALLY Better?
London Vs NYC – Which city is actually better? Here’s my breakdown of everything these two cities have to offer, from a locals perspective.
The best desserts in the world: 22 amazing dishes from around the world!
Looking for inspiration for the best desserts in the world? Here are 22 desserts from all around the world, and what makes them so delicious!
Top 10 Nudist Beaches in UK (You’ll Want to Explore!)
Looking for the best nudist beaches in the UK? This is our list of 10 scenic nudist beaches you should check out around the UK.
Things I miss.
Things I miss. Maybe you miss them too.
Top 11 best cities in Florida to vacation or live
Are you looking for the ultimate list of the best cities in Florida? Florida has so many amazing cities, but these are my top 11 choices!
9 Beautiful Warm Places to Travel in March – All around the world
Are you looking for the best warm places to travel in march? Spring is one of the best times to travel, often the prices are lower than summer (peak season)…
8 amazing and warm places to travel in December
Are you looking for the best warm places to travel in December? December is always my favourite time to travel. I love that most people are off work, the work…
Everywhere I Travelled to in 2019 – What a Year!
So it turns out, 2020 was one of my most ‘well travelled’ years of my life! I’m not sure how it happened, but I went on so many amazing trips…